Tuesday, September 6, 2016

23rd Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 07-08-16

1 Cor 7:25-31 / Luke 6:20-26

The book "Tuesdays with Morrie" is certainly a good read as it gives the reader many reflections about life and relationships.

It is about a young journalist and his college professor who is dying from an illness.

The thoughts and reflections from the old man slowly changed the thoughts and reflections of the young journalist as he gained new perspectives from a dying man who had seen much of life.

In the 1st reading, St. Paul gave perspectives that might sound out of this world. But it may also sound like perspectives that we come to the end of this world.

St. Paul said things like "Our time is growing short", "the world that we know it is passing away".

It was from that perspective that he gave his thoughts and reflections about life, marriage, celibacy.

In the gospel, Jesus gave a teaching on life and happiness. His teaching may sound like out of this world.

But again it is a teaching that we will understand when we look at it from the end of this world perspective.

Because when we come to the end of our time in this world, what matters is not wealth, food or pleasure.

When that time comes, we want to be blessed with peace and joy. That blessing is ours when we start to live our lives in love for God and others. Let us not wait till our last day to do that.