Monday, April 3, 2017

5th Week of Lent, Tuesday, 04-04-17

Numbers 21:4-9 / John 8:21-30

A common greeting for a person whom we have not met for some time would be phrases like "How have you been?" or "How are you doing?" or simply "How are you?"

If and when we are asked that question, what would our reply be? Of course we can reply indifferently with "I am fine" but is that honest and true?

If we were to ask the Israelites in the 1st reading how they were, we can be quite sure that they won't give a casual or indifferent reply.

As we heard in the 1st reading, they were journeying in the desert, they lost patience, they spoke against God and against Moses, they were thirsty and they were sick of the unsatisfying food.

At this, God sent fiery serpents among the people, and their bite brought death to many in Israel. Does it seem that God was rather harsh on His people, especially when they were in the desert and hunger and thirst are not minor discomforts?

But as much as the people's complaints were valid, they also forgot the wonders that God had done for them.

They were no more slaves in Egypt and they were a free people and there were no slave-drivers to torment them. They also forgot that God will provide for them as He always did.

So instead of cherishing their freedom, they turned to complaining. The fiery serpents were sent to remind them of who they were and who God is.

So whenever others ask us how we are, let us take a moment to think about the good things that God has done for us and how He has provided for us.

Let us remember to give thanks and praise the Lord for the wonders He has done for us. God will shower His blessings on those with a grateful and thankful heart.